Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chocolate in an Expanded Context: Emily Takes on Amano Across the Web

I haven't made an appearance on this blog in almost two weeks. But I have been thinking a lot about chocolate--Amano Chocolate, specifically. On Monday, I mentioned the Utah-based chocolate maker's new Cuyagua bar on guerrilla food writer Ed Levine's Serious Eats--the first installment of what will become my weekly series for the site. I discussed Cuyagua's origins (in a Venezuelan valley of the same name), but since Ed told me he'd fire me on the spot if I used terms like "fruity notes" and "earthy finish," I took that part of my analysis elsewhere--to UK-based chocolate guru Martin Christy's Seventy Percent (my Amano review should pop up within a few days).

In other long-overdue chocolate news, the results of Chocolate in Context's reader survey are in. I used to work at a statistical organization and no doubt every one of my former colleagues and supervisors would tell me that I'm working with an insufficient sample, but I'm still delighted to announce that 89.5% of you have a passport and not a one of you is a Wal-Mart shopper. With even more delight, I announce that two lucky respondents have won a prize! The first email address that I pulled out of a hat belonged to Oriana in Brooklyn, New York. Oriana is a writing buddy of mine and I didn't want to appear biased, so I drew yet another name. The second address belonged to an unnamed person whom I do not know and who has not yet come forward to claim his or her prize--if you received an email from me about the contest, please reply! Canisters of Jacques Torres's Wicked Hot Chocolate will soon be on their way to Oriana and the mystery winner. Thanks to Lissa Guttman and the staff at Jacques Torres Chocolate Haven for donating the prizes!


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